Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Welcome to my Blog

Bank Manager - “So what experience do you have in Banking that would make us want to employ you?”
Adam Sandler - “Well, I have a bank account and I like money.” The Wedding Singer 1998.

I think Adam Sandler sums up in sure what a lot of people understand about banking quite well. Today’s media is saturated with stories about the current financial crisis facing the UK, often pointing fingers individuals who should be blamed for the demise of many of our biggest banks, and what they think the problems are that affect our country.
Personally I know very little about an Institution which predates 2000BC and influences all aspects of our society, from general public services to individual consumer decisions. This makes it very difficult for me to express an opinion on any issues which involve the UK finance industry.  

Since 2007 the UK has been suffering from recession, which was the consequence of a global banking crisis. This problem affects all of us. Unemployment, housing price increase, government tax increases are only a few ramifications of the global banking crisis which is plaguing the general population.

But what is responsible for these problems? How is this related to the other great financial crises which have happened in the past? And how is it going to be solved?

Over the next 5 weeks I will research and share some insight into the history of financial and banking crises, the theory behind financial crises, and critically assess literature from academic and professional reports in order to try to gain my own understanding of this issue.

I hope you find this blog interesting.
Thanks for reading

Andrew Gilmer

Queens University Belfast

On a lighter note, here's some South Park

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